Welcome to Nuwa


If you are a new client, please arrive 5-10 minutes early to fill out the new client paperwork. The bathroom is located across the pathway in the other building. The key is located hanging above the reception desk. The bathroom is located inside the other building, down the hall, second door to your left. Please use the bathroom before your service.

  • Please wear comfortable clothing

  • Please eat a moderate amount of food 1 to 1 ½ hours before, and hydrate before and after your session. Hydrating foods and water is key to increasing the effects of the experience.

  • Scalp massage is included in each treatment, so be aware that your hair maybe a bit messy afterwards but it will be worth it.

  • Avoid any chemical exfoliant such as Retin-A, 7 days before and after your session.

  • You will be relaxed after the session, so please don’t plan anything vigorous afterwards. Best to continue the relaxed feeling for the rest of the day.

  • Please tell us if you are uncomfortable with physical touch to certain areas of the body or with discussing certain activities or parts of your body.

  • Any herbal prescription is intended only for the person for whom they are prescribed. Please do not give your herbal prescriptions to anyone else.

  • Feel free to ask any questions that may arise during your treatment. It is important that you feel informed and understand your own health.  


* IMPORTANT NOTE:  If you have received any medical aesthetics procedures such as Botox, injections and facial fillers, Jenveau, lip injections etc…. please book your facial experience 3 weeks after. Massage manipulations have the potential to metabolize your injectables and move them to different locations. Please discontinue Retin-A/Retinols or acne medications with Salicylics, Glycolics and lactic acid, chemical peels and allow 2 weeks before booking your holistic experience, for your skin to heal.